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Decarbonizing livestock, sustaining the future

seaweed descarbonization

Livestock, responsible for 12% of global GHG emissions, faces growing climate challenges as demand for animal protein is projected to grow by 21% by 2050. Solutions are needed to reduce emissions, enhance efficiency, improve animal health and promote sustainability in production. 

Seaweed is a powerful solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Sustainable Agriculture

Macroalgae as a high-nutrient, sustainable food source.


Prospersea creates a significant positive impact on global sustainability by directly addressing multiple fronts aligned with the SDGs. Its business model drives regenerative solutions, sustainable innovation, and environmental impact mitigation. As the blue biotechnology market expands, the company is poised to further strengthen its contribution to the SDGs, reinforcing its role in building a more sustainable future.

Partnership for the goals

No poverty

Life under water


Good health and well-being

Gender equality

Clean water and sanitation

Sustainable cities and communities

Responsible consumption and production

Climate action

Life on land




Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Decent work and economic growth


RAW material extraction

Circular Economy

product design


and remanufacturing






Blue Circular Economy

Our business supports a blue circular economy by building a bridge between traditional and innovative agricultural sectors, utilizing recyclable materials on the production of seaweed biomass, promoting sustainable and eco-friendly use of marine resources, and improving the health and wellbeing of coastal communities.


Why produces seaweeds in Brazil ?

Investing in a multi-seaweed-based animal nutrition and biostimulant business in Brazil is a strategic opportunity, supported by its unique biodiversity, vast coastline, and the world’s largest livestock market, aligning with the global shift to the blue economy


Brazil’s rich marine ecosystems allow for the cultivation of native seaweed species, such as Asparagopsis taxiformis, Ulva, Gracilaria promoting sustainability and blue Economy

7,491 km

of coastline and

favorable climate

Brazil offers ideal conditions for large-scale, sustainable seaweed farming

8 million cattle confined in Brazil

Brazil has strong domestic demand for seaweed-based feed additives that reduce methane emissions and improve efficiency

The estimated emissions per animal range from 7 to 10 tons of CO2e per confinement cycle


Global sustainability trends

Brazil is strategically positioned to supply the growing global market for sustainable biostimulants and feed additives

Economic and social impact

Seaweed farming generates local jobs, supports coastal communities, and strengthens the blue economy

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